Registration for KCommodity V2.00 (Shareware product) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : ________________________________________________________ Address : ________________________________________________________ City : ________________________________________________________ State : ________________________________________________________ Computer : ________________________________________________________ Equipment : ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Bugs : ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Prefered language for KCommodity`s manual _ _ / \ English / \ German \_/ \_/ Now please write down some enhancements you would like to see in one of the forthcomming versions of KCommodity. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I agree that my personal data will be electronically stored. No other persons than the author will see any of my information made on the registration. I included the SharWare fee of 20.- DM or the same amount in a foreign currency in cash or in form of a cheque. For that donation I will receive the actual version of KCX, plus a printed manual (which was made using LaTeX). City/Date : ________________ Signature : _______________________